29th Annual Hyman P. Minsky Conference on the State of US and World Economies
Prospects and Challenges for the US and Europe in an Emerging Post-Pandemic Recovery
A conference organized by the Levy Economics Institute of Bard CollegeLevy Economics Institute of Bard College
Annandale-on-Hudson, New York 12504
Wednesday, May 5, 2021 | |
9:15–9:30 a.m. | Welcome and Introduction |
Dimitri Papadimitriou, President, Levy Institute | |
9:30–10:30 a.m. | Speaker |
Charles Evans, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago | |
MODERATOR: Binyamin Appelbaum, Editorial Board Member, The New York Times | |
10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. | Session 1. PROSPECTS FOR REFORMING THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM |
MODERATOR: Robert Huebscher, Advisor Perspectives | |
SPEAKERS: Jan Kregel, Director of Research, Levy Institute Remarks in PDF | |
Paolo Savona, Chairman, CONSOB | |
Remarks in PDF | |
Charles Goodhart, Emeritus Professor of Banking and Finance, London School of Economics Remarks in PDF | |
12:00–1:00 p.m. | Speaker |
Robert Barbera, Director, J.H.U. Center for Financial Economics; Economics Department Fellow, The Johns Hopkins University Remarks | |
1:00–2:30 p.m. | Session 2. WHAT'S AHEAD FOR THE US ECONOMY? |
MODERATOR: Michael Stephens, Levy Institute | |
SPEAKERS: Lakshman Achuthan, Cofounder, Economic Cycle Research Institute | |
Michalis Nikiforos, Research Scholar, Levy Institute; Professor University of Geneva Remarks in PDF | |
Frank Veneroso, President, Veneroso Associates, LLC | |
MODERATOR: David Henry, Reporter, Reuters | |
SPEAKERS: Jason Furman, Aetna Professor of the Practice of Economic Policy, Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) and the Department of Economics at Harvard University Remarks in PDF | |
Bruce Greenwald, Professor, Columbia Business School | |
L. Randall Wray, Senior Scholar, Levy Institute; Professor, Bard College Remarks in PDF | |
Thursday, May 6, 2021 | |
10:00–11:00 a.m. | Speaker |
Robert Kaplan, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas | |
MODERATOR: Deborah Solomon, Economics Editor, Washington Bureau, The New York Times | |
11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. | Session 4. FINANCIAL GOVERNANCE AND REGULATION |
MODERATOR: Peter Coy, Bloomberg | |
SPEAKERS: Patricia McCoy, Liberty Mutual Insurance Professor, Boston College Law School Remarks in PDF | |
Kathryn Judge, Harvey J. Goldschmid Professor of Law, Columbia Law School | |
Michael Greenberger, Professor, University of Maryland Law School References in PDF | |
12:30–2:00 p.m. | Session 5. US FINANCIAL MARKET INSTABILITY |
MODERATOR: Jeanna Smialek, Economics Reporter, The New York Times | |
SPEAKERS: Jan Hatzius, Chief Economist, Goldman Sachs | |
Bruce Kasman, Managing Director and Global Head of Economic Research, J.P. Morgan | |
James Paulsen, Chief Investment Strategist, The Leuthold Group, LLC | |
2:00–3:30 p.m. | Session 6. WHAT'S AHEAD FOR EUROPE? |
MODERATOR: Dimitri Papadimitriou, Levy Institute | |
Lex Hoogduin, Professor, Groningen University, the Netherlands; Founder, GloComNet | |
Denis MacShane, Former Europe Minister, UK; Senior Advisor, Avisa Partners, Brussels | |
Gennaro Zezza, Research Scholar, Levy Institute; Professor, University of Cassino Remarks in PDF | |
Participant biographies are available here.Lakshman Achuthan, Cofounder, Economic Cycle Research Institute
Binyamin Appelbaum, Editorial Board Member, The New York Times
Robert Barbera, Director, J.H.U. Center for Financial Economics; Economics Department Fellow, The Johns Hopkins University
Peter Coy, Economics Editor, Bloomberg Businessweek
Charles Evans, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Jason Furman, Aetna Professor of the Practice of Economic Policy, Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) and the Department of Economics at Harvard University
Charles Goodhart, Emeritus Professor of Banking and Finance, London School of Economics
Michael Greenberger, University of Maryland School of Law
Bruce Greenwald, Columbia Business School
Jan Hatzius, Chief Economist, Goldman Sachs
David Henry, Reporter, Reuters
Lex Hoogduin, Professor, Groningen University, the Netherlands; Founder, GloComNet
Robert Huebscher, Advisor Perspectives
Kathryn Judge, Harvey J. Goldschmid Professor of Law, Columbia Law School
Robert Kaplan, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Bruce Kasman, Managing Director and Global Head of Economic Research, J.P. Morgan
Jan Kregel, Director of Research, Levy Institute
Denis MacShane, Former Europe Minister (UK); Senior Advisor, Avisa Partners, Brussels
Patricia McCoy, Liberty Mutual Insurance Professor, Boston College Law School
Michalis Nikiforos, Research Scholar, Levy Institute; University of Geneva
Dimitri B. Papadimitriou, President, Levy Institute
James Paulsen, Chief Investment Strategist, Leuthold Group
Paolo Savona, Chairman, CONSOB
Jeanna Smialek, Economics Reporter, The New York Times
Deborah Solomon, Economics Editor, Washington Bureau, The New York Times
Michael Stephens, Senior Editor, Levy Institute
Frank Veneroso, President, Veneroso Associates
L. Randall Wray, Senior Scholar, Levy Institute; Bard College
Gennaro Zezza, Research Scholar, Levy Institute; University of Cassino
Preconference Reading
Below are recent Institute publications by Minsky Conference participantsSummary Volume 30, Issue 2 | May 2021
Strategic Analysis | December 2020
What’s Ahead for the Greek Economy?
Strategic Analysis | October 2020
When Will Italy Recover?
Strategic Analysis | January 2020
Prospects and Challenges for the US Economy: 2020 and Beyond
One-Pager No. 66 | April 2021
Anatomy of a Stock Market Bubble
Working Paper No. 987 | March 2021
The Souk Al-Manakh: The Anatomy of a Pure Price-Chasing Bubble
One-Pager No. 65 | February 2021
COVID Relief and the Inflation Warriors
Working Paper No. 985 | February 2021
Has Japan Been Following Modern Money Theory Without Recognizing It? No! And Yes.
Public Policy Brief No. 154 | February 2021
Another Bretton Woods Reform Moment: Let Us Look Seriously at the Clearing Union
Working Paper No. 982 | January 2021
The Economic Problem: From Barter to Commodity Money to Electronic Money
Policy Note 2021/1 | January 2021
Keynes’s Clearing Union Is Alive and Well and Living in Your Mobile Phone
Working Paper No. 979 | November 2020
Is It Time to Eliminate Federal Corporate Income Taxes?
Policy Note 2020/6 | October 2020
Alternative Macro Policy Response for a Pandemic Recession
Working Paper No. 961 | July 2020
The “Kansas City” Approach to Modern Money Theory
Public Policy Brief No. 151 | June 2020
Crisis, Austerity, and Fiscal Expenditure in Greece: Recent Experience and Future Prospects in the Post-COVID-19 Era
Public Policy Brief No. 150 | June 2020
The Impact of Technological Innovations on Money and Financial Markets
Working Paper No. 958 | June 2020
A Stock-Flow Consistent Quarterly Model of the Italian Economy
One-Pager No. 63 | April 2020
Are We All MMTers Now? Not so Fast
Policy Note 2020/1 | March 2020
When Two Minskyan Processes Meet a Large Shock: The Economic Implications of the Pandemic
One-Pager No. 62 | March 2020
The Economic Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic
One-Pager No. 61 | March 2020
A Global Slowdown Will Test US Corporate Fragility
Public Policy Brief No. 148 | January 2020
Can We Afford the Green New Deal?