News & Events

Seminar | June 2025

Levy Institute Summer Seminar on Money, Finance, and Public Policy

2025 Summer Seminar on Money, Finance, and Public Policy, co-sponsored by the Levy Economics Institute and Economic Democracy Initiative of Bard College.

June 16-20, 2025
Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY

The 2025 Levy Institute Summer Seminar is geared toward graduate students and those at the beginning of their academic or professional careers.* Through lectures, hands-on workshops, and breakout groups, the seminar, organized by Pavlina R. Tcherneva and L. Randall Wray, is designed to give participants an opportunity to engage with the theory and methods of the Levy Economics Institute—particularly the work of Institute Distinguished Scholars Hyman Minsky and Wynne Godley, alongside new developments and research directions in Modern Money Theory (MMT)—and to apply them to critical emerging policy questions.

This year, seminar participants will have an opportunity to workshop their research during breakout sessions with fellow participants and seminar faculty. (Those wishing to present a paper related to any of the seminar themes are invited to submit an abstract for consideration. Applicants are not required to submit abstracts or present papers to attend the seminar.) Participants will also attend the 32nd Annual Levy Economics Institute Conference, which is taking place June 16th (Day 1 of the seminar).

A preliminary list of seminar faculty includes: James K. Galbraith, L. Randall Wray, Rogerio Studart, Pavlina R. Tcherneva, Scott Fullwiler, Yan Liang, Ndongo Samba Sylla, Yeva Nersisyan, Fadhel Kaboub, Éric Tymoigne, Gennaro Zezza, Giuliano Toshiro Yajima, Rohan Grey, and Raúl Carrillo. 

Seminar themes include: Minskyan analyses of financial instability and financialization; endogenous credit and state theories of money; climate finance; monetary sovereignty in the global south; fiscal policy and monetary operations; balance of payments constraints; industrial policy and development; the job guarantee and economic security; stock-flow consistent analysis; fintech. (A full seminar program is forthcoming.)

The following is an outline of the seminar schedule:

June 15th: arrival day

Day 1 (June 16th): day-long 32nd Annual Levy Economics Institute Conference

Days 2-4: (June 17th-19th) seminar lectures and student breakout panels/research presentations

Day 5 (June 20th): seminar lectures and Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum trip/tour

June 21st: departure day

For all accepted applicants, meals, dormitory accommodations, and a shuttle from JFK Airport are covered by a $500 seminar fee. Fee waiver scholarships are available (if you are applying for a fee waiver, please indicate this in your statement of interest). Any other travel-related costs are the responsibility of the participant, including but not limited to: airfare; visa fees; ground transportation to/from your departing/returning airport; ground transportation from the airport if you miss the free shuttle bus to campus. 

The application period for the June 2025 Summer Seminar has closed.

Contact Andrea Minoff, [email protected], with any questions.

*A limited number of highly motivated undergraduate students interested in public policy may be admitted.

Press Contact

Mark Primoff
Director of Communications
Phone: 845-758-7412
Fax: 845-758-7411
To request an interview, e-mail: [email protected]