One-Pager No. 45
| January 2014
Time Deficits and Hidden Poverty in Korea
Official poverty lines in Korea and other countries ignore the fact that unpaid household production contributes to the fulfillment of material needs and wants that are essential to attaining a minimum standard of living. By taking household work for granted, these official estimates provide an inaccurate accounting of the breadth and depth of poverty—and can lead policymakers astray.
Associated Program(s):
The Levy Institute Measure of Time and Income Poverty
The Distribution of Income and Wealth
Gender Equality and the Economy
The Distribution of Income and Wealth
Gender Equality and the Economy
Related Topic(s):
Alternative poverty measures
Employment policy
Gender disparities
Income poverty
Levy Institute Measure of Time and Income Poverty (LIMTIP)
Social care
South Korea
Time deficits
Time poverty