
Report Vol. 15, No. 4 | October 2005

Report October 2005

A new Levy Institute Strategic Analysis examines the current states of the economy’s main balances and proposes an alternative to the piecemeal protectionist measures that some have advocated. The authors argue that some of the dire events in their baseline scenario—which shows that the balance of trade is likely to deteriorate by the end of the decade—could be avoided if direct action were taken to mitigate the current account deficit.



New Strategic Analysis

  • The United States and Her Creditors: Is the Symbiosis Viable?

New Levy Institute Measure of Economic Well-Being Report

  • Interim Report 2005: The Effects of Government Deficits and the 2001–02 Recession on Well-Being

New Public Policy Briefs

  • Breaking Out of the Deficit Trap: The Case Against the Fiscal Hawks
  • The Ownership Society: Social Security Is Only the Beginning . . .

New Policy Notes

  • Some Unpleasant American Arithmetic
  • Social Security’s 70th Anniversary: Surviving 20 Years of Reform

New Working Papers

  • Macroeconomics of Speculation
  • Refocusing the ECB on Output Stabilization and Growth through Inflation Targeting?
  • Gender Inequality in a Globalizing World
  • Liquidity Preference Theory Revisited—To Ditch It or to Build on It?

Levy Institute News

  • New Research Scholar
  • New Research Associate
  • Levy Institute Awarded Grant from Smith Richardson, Inc.
  • Upcoming Event: Time Use and Economic Well-Being: A Conference of The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College

Publications and Presentations

  • Publications and Presentations by Levy Institute Scholars
  • Recent Levy Institute Publications

Publication Highlight

Public Policy Brief No. 156
Still Flying Blind after All These Years
The Federal Reserve’s Continuing Experiments with Unobservables
Author(s): Dimitri B. Papadimitriou, L. Randall Wray
December 2021

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