Biennial Reports
Biennial Reports | November 2013Throughout its history, the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College has maintained its commitment to independent thinking and the belief that economics can and should make a profound contribution to improving the human condition. In the two-year period covered by this report, the Institute continued to make significant contributions to the debate on fundamental public policy issues through its conferences, seminars, and publications program. The report also outlines our latest initiatives, including partnerships with other leading public policy institutions and new pilot programs abroad.
Biennial Reports | November 2011
Throughout its 25-year history, the Levy Economics Institute has maintained its commitment to independent thinking and the belief that economics can and should make a profound contribution to improving the human condition. The purpose of all our activities and research is to serve the wider policymaking community in the United States and throughout the world.
Our 25th Anniversary Report details the Institute’s contributions—through its conferences, seminars, and publications—to the debate surrounding such fundamental public policy issues as the sustainability of long-term economic growth, unemployment, income and wealth inequality, systemic risks in the financial sector, and the deteriorating international trade environment. It also outlines our latest initiatives, including partnerships with other leading public policy institutions, pilot programs abroad, and the newly digitized Minsky Archive.
Biennial Reports | April 2008
Throughout 2006–07, the Levy Institute continued to make significant contributions to the public policy discussions on many economic issues. In addition to organizing conferences, workshops, and lectures with distinguished representatives of the academy, the business community, and government, the Levy Institute used its wide range of print and online publications to disseminate information about, and foster debate on, numerous policy issues.
Biennial Reports | October 2006
The Levy Institute draws inspiration and guidance not only from its founders and scholars but from a world facing many new and daunting challenges. Our efforts to redefine economics and public policy continue to attract notice and exert influence, nationally and internationally. As we begin our 20th year, we can look back on the Institute’s accomplishments in 2004 and 2005. The Institute continued to provide leadership in its long-standing core programs, in addition to launching a number of new initiatives that will shape its agenda for years to come.
Biennial Reports | April 2004
As 2004 begins, the Levy Institute can look back on the 2002–03 period as one of accomplishment and transition. Several initiatives were begun, new personnel were added, and the Institute continued its efforts in its traditional areas of strength. Thus, we can report that the Institute remains vibrant and as determined as ever to contribute to the formation of economic policy at a time when the world faces many new and daunting challenges