
Book Series | June 2012

Contributions in Stock-flow Modeling: Essays in Honor of Wynne Godley

Edited by Dimitri B. Papadimitriou and Gennaro Zezza
Contributions in Stock-flow Modeling: Essays in Honor of Wynne Godley

In the 1970s, at a time of shock, controversy and uncertainty over the direction of monetary and fiscal policy, Wynne Godley and the Cambridge Department of Applied Economics rose to prominence, challenging the accepted Keynesian wisdom of the time. This collection of essays brings together eminent scholars who have been influenced by Godley's enormous contribution to the field of monetary economics and macroeconomic modeling.

Godley's theoretical, applied and policy work is explored in detail, including an analysis of the insightful New Cambridge 'three balances' model, and its use in showing the progression of real capitalist economies over time. Godley's prescient concerns about the global financial crash are also examined, demonstrating how his work revealed structural imbalances and formed the foundations of an economics relevant to the instability of finance.

Published By: Palgrave MacMillan

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