Levy RSS Feed
How to view the Levy RSS Feed
If your web browser supports RSS feeds, clicking on the Levy RSS Feed link should display a list of news items, along with an option to bookmark or subscribe to the feed (sometimes referred to as a “channel”). If your browser does not support RSS feeds, clicking the link will display raw RSS/XML code in your browser window, or otherwise give you an error. In this case you will need to download an RSS reader. When you follow the instructions for your particular reader software, you will need to use the web address below within your reader in order to subscribe to the Levy RSS Feed.
Go to the Levy RSS Feed: https://www.levyinstitute.org/rss/levy_rss.php
What is RSS?
The acronym “RSS” stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary. An RSS feed is a syndicated news feed that you can subscribe to.
What is an RSS Reader?
An RSS reader (also known as a news feed reader or news aggregator) is software that collects and displays RSS feeds. It allows you to subscribe to a feed in order to see the most recent updates, and to be alerted when new articles are available.
Some web browsers, including the current versions of Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer, have built-in RSS readers. If you are using a browser that doesn't currently support RSS, you will need to download a separate RSS reader (such as Windows Live). There are many RSS readers available on the web; some are free to use and others are available to buy. A web search should turn up many options.