Research Associate Yinon Cohen is Yosef H. Yerushalmi Professor of Israel and Jewish Studies at Columbia University. Cohen’s research centers on international migration, social stratification, and labor markets. Current and recent research projects include patterns of self-selection and earnings assimilation of immigrants in Israel, Germany, and the United States; the development of socioeconomic ethnic and gender gaps in Israel; rising income inequality in Israel; and the transformation of the Israeli industrial relations system. His publications include:
- Self-Selection and Earning Assimilation: Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Israel and the US” (with Y. Haberfeld), Demography, 2007;
- “Next Year in Jerusalem... or in Cologne? Labor Market Integration of Jewish Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Israel and Germany in the 1990s” (with I. Kogan), European Sociological Review, 2007;
- “Decentralization of Collective Wage Agreements and Rising Wage Inequality in Israel” (with T. Kristal), Industrial Relations, 2007; and
- “Ethnicity and Mixed Ethnicity: Educational Gaps among Israeli-born Jews” (with Y. Haberfeld and T. Kristal), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2007.
Cohen received his BA from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and his MA and Ph.D. from the State University of New York at Stony Brook.