
Yuval Elmelech is a research associate in the Institute’s Immigration, Ethnicity, and Social Structure program, and an associate professor of sociology at Bard College. His research areas include wealth inequality and intergenerational transfers, poverty, immigration and racial/ethnic inequality, and marriage and family. In his 2008 book Transmitting Inequality: Wealth and the American Family, he investigated the role that family transactions of material resources play in the stratification system, providing an interdisciplinary framework for examining the social, demographic, and institutional structures that shape the distribution of property and wealth in the United States. Other publications include:

  • “Determinants of Intra-Group Wealth Inequality among Whites, Blacks, and Latinos,” in J. Nembhard and N. Chiteji, eds., Wealth Accumulation and Communities of Color in the United States, 2006;
  • “Attitudes Toward Familial Obligation in the United States and in Japan,” Sociological Inquiry, 2005; and
  • “Race, Ethnicity, and the Gender Poverty Gap” (with H. Lu), Social Science Research, 2004.

Elmelech received a Ph.D. in sociology from Columbia University in 2002.


photo: Yuval Elmelech
Yuval Elmelech
Research Associate
Levy Economics Institute of Bard College
Annandale-on-Hudson NY US 12504-5000
Fax: 845-758-1149
E-mail: [email protected]