Indira Hirway is director of and professor of economics at the Centre for Development Alternatives (CFDA), Ahmedabad, India (since 1999). She is also a national fellow of the Indian Society of Social Science Research in New Delhi, and was the conference president of the Indian Society of Labour Economics in 2014.
Her major areas of interest are development alternatives, employment and labor market structures, poverty and human development, development and the environment, time-use studies, and gender and economic development, among others. She has written several books and published numerous articles in national and international journals in these areas. Her recent publications include:
- Mainstreaming Unpaid Work: Time-use Data in Developing Policies (editor; Oxford University Press, forthcoming);
- Growth or Development: Which Way Is Gujarat Going? (editor; OUP, 2014);
- Unpaid Work and the Economy (coeditor; Palgrave MacMillan, 2010);
- Restructuring of Production and Labour under Globalization: Study of Textile and Garment Industries in India (International Labour Organization, 2011);
- Employment Guarantee Programme and Pro-poor Growth (Academic Foundation, 2010); and
- Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Workers and Small Producers in India: Emerging Issues and Implications (United Nations Development Programme, 2009).
Hirway has served as a consultant to a number of global organizations, including the ILO (Geneva, India, and Bangkok offices), UNDP (New York, India, and Bangkok offices), UN Women (Bangkok and New Delhi offices), UN Statistical Division (New York), UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (Bangkok), UN Economic Commission for Africa (Addis Ababa), and UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Santiago), as well as some foreign governments.
She has been visiting faculty/fellow at Erasmus University; the University of Amsterdam; Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford; and the University of Utah. She has been a member, including chair, of a number of national and international expert groups, technical advisory committees, task forces, and other academic and policymaking bodies. She is an active member of the global networks Economists for Full Employment (founding member), the International Association of Feminist Economics, International Working Group on Gender and Macroeconomics (core member), International Society of Environment Economics, and International Association for Time Use Research (executive committee member). At the national level,she is a member of the Indian Society of Labour Economics (president, 2014), Indian Society of Ecological Economics, Indian Economic Association, and Feminist Economics Group for the Planning Commission.
Hirway holds a master’s in economics and statistics from the Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi; and a Ph.D. from the University of Mumbai.