Professor Latif Dramani holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar, Senegal. He is professor of economics at the University of Thiès and coordinator at the Center for Research in Economics and Applied Finance of Thiès (CREFAT). Dramani is a representative of the NTA International Executive Council for Francophone Africa and the coordinator of the Regional Center of Excellence for Research in Generational Economics (CREG).
Dramani is affiliated with several programs within universities around the world, including University of Manchester, University of Berkeley, University of Parakou, University of Cape Town, University of Hawaii at Manoa, University of Toronto, University of Cocody, and University of Ibadan. He carries out research in the following main areas: the issue of sustainable development through the prism of the Demographic Dividend and the Generational Economy program; poverty dynamics; unpaid household work and women’s contribution to GDP; and the national and local integration of economies.
Dramani is affiliated with several programs within universities around the world, including University of Manchester, University of Berkeley, University of Parakou, University of Cape Town, University of Hawaii at Manoa, University of Toronto, University of Cocody, and University of Ibadan. He carries out research in the following main areas: the issue of sustainable development through the prism of the Demographic Dividend and the Generational Economy program; poverty dynamics; unpaid household work and women’s contribution to GDP; and the national and local integration of economies.