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Naa Anyekey Akofio-Sowah
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Ph.D Candidate in Economics, Clark University
Intern, Office of the Special Advisor on Africa
United Nations
New York, USA
Salimata Bocoum
(view bio...)
Regional Coordinator
African Women’s Millennium Initiative (AWOMI)
Dakar, Senegal
Nouhoun Coulibaly
(view bio...)
Chief of the Department of Studies and Research
Institute National de la Statstique de Cote d’Ivorie
Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa
Surajit Das
(view bio...)
National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP)
New Delhi, India
Lorena R. Escobar-Pérez
(view bio...)
Chief of Economics Section
Sendas Foundation
Cuenca, Ecuador
Mayela Freyre
(view bio...)
Project Coordinator
Ministry of Women and Social Development
MIMDES of Perú
Lima, Perú
Kaushik Ganguly
(view bio...)
Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CGGA)
New Delhi, India
Roxana Gallegos Guerra
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Gender Focal Person 
Cooperation Sector
Delegation of the European Commission in Peru
Lima, Perú 
Taitu Ababa Heron
(view bio...)
Social Development and Gender Department
The Planning Institute of Jamaica
Kingston, Jamaica 
Gisela Carrasco-i-Miro
(view bio...)
Liaison Office, Guatemala City
United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)
Ozge Izdes
(view bio...)
Ph. D. Candidate and Instructor 
Department of Economics
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, USA
Grzegorz Konat
(view bio...)
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Economic Policy
Warsaw School of Economics
Researcher, Institute for Market
Consumption and Business Cycles Research
Warsaw, Poland
Tamar Khitarishvili
(view bio...)
Assistant Professor of Economics and
Research Scholar
The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College
New York, USA
Jacqueline Morse
(view bio...)
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Economics 
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, Massachusetts, USA
John Okiror
(view bio...)
Principal Economist
Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development
Kampala, Uganda
Nilanjan Patra
(view bio...)
Ph.D. Candidate in Economics
Centre for Economic Study and Planning (JNU)
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi, India
Hurshid Rustamov
(view bio...)
Program Coordinator
Economics Governance Unit
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Country Office
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Mira Ibidat Said
(view bio...)
Global Network Arab Coordinator and Trainer
The Democracy and Workers Rights Center
East Jerusalem, Israel
Eka Sepashvili
(view bio...)
Associate Professor of Tbilisi State University
Faculty of Economics and Business
GEM-IWG, Member
Tbilisi, Georgia
Heather Starzynski
(view bio...)
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Economics
University of Missouri-Kansas City
Missouri, USA
Jooyeoun Suh
(view bio...)
Ph.D. Candidate
University of Massachusetts
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Tacko Ndiaye
(view bio...)
Program Specialist
New York, USA
Jianhua Tang
(view bio...)
Visiting Scholar, University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Professor, China Agriculture University
Beijing, China
Sylvia Tereka
(view bio...)
Member of the Board
National Planning Authority
Kampala, Uganda
Taun Nicholaus Toay
(view bio...)
Ph.D. Candidate
New School for Social Research and
The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College
Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, USA
Yelda Yucel
(view bio...)
Senior Economist
Yapi Kredi Bankasi
Istanbul, Turkey