GEM Workshop header
(Download Daily Schedule and Workshop Outline)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Registration, Welcome Reception and Inaugural Dinner

Welcome and Brief Introductions:

Rania Antonopoulos
and Nilüfer Çağatay
Day 1: Monday, June 29
  1. Welcome and Introductions
    Rania Antonopoulos and Nilüfer Çağatay
    (Listen: audio)
  2. Welcome and Introductions (continued)
    All Workshop Participants
    (Listen: audio)
  3. Welcome and Introductions (continued)
    All Workshop Participants
    (Listen: audio)
  4. The Global Financial and Economic Crisis
    Jan Kregel
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  5. Reforming IFIs and Beyond: The General Assembly's Expert Commission on Reform of the International Financial System
    Jan Kregel
    (Listen: audio)
Day 2: Tuesday, June 30
  1. Introduction to Economics and Gender (Un-) Awareness
    Rania Antonopoulos
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  2. Basic Theoretical Concerns of Heterodox and Gender-aware/feminist Economics
    Nilüfer Çağatay
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  3. Gender, Finance and Monetary Policy
    James Heintz
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  4. Gender and the Global Economic Crisis: Lessons from Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Caucasus
    Ewa Ruminska-Zimny
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  5. Gender Paths of Transmission of the Current Crisis
    Rania Antonopoulos and Yassine Fall
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
Day 3: Wednesday, July 1
  1. Feminist Perspectives on the Macroeconomy: Analytical Frameworks, Data, and Modeling
    Nilüfer Çağatay
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  2. Feminist Methodologies: Gender Awareness In Data Collection, Measurement, and Valuation of Household Production
    Indira Hirway
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: presentation audio, questions and discussion)
  3. Methodological Issues In Collection of Time Use Data
    Valeria Esquivel
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  4. Gender and Empirical Modeling I: Macromodeling
    Maureen Were
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  5. Gender and Empirical Modeling II: SAM and CGE
    Kijong Kim
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)

Lab on Time Use
Valeria Esquivel

Day 4: Thursday, July 2
  1. Public Finance and Fiscal Policy
    Pinaki Chakraborty

    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  2. Fiscal Space: Inequalities In Sources of Revenue
    Pinaki Chakraborty
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  3. Gender Inequality In Taxation: The Case of Mexico and Argentina  
    Lucia Perez and Corina Rodriguez
    (View Lucia Perez' presentation)
    (View Corina Rodriguez' presentation )
    (Listen: presentation audio, questions and discussion, questions and discussion continued)
  4. Roundtable: Perspectives from Latin America on Gender and Crisis “The Cases of Mexico and Argentina”
    Lucia Perez, Alicia Girón, Corina Rodriguez, and Valeria Esquivel
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  5. GEM Thematic and Regional Groups 
    Rania Antonopoulos
    and Nilüfer Çağatay
    (Listen: audio)
Day 5: Friday, July 3
  1. The Macroeconomy: Finance, Monetary Policy, and Production In Historical Perspective
    Dimitri Papadimitriou
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  2. What Is Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB)?
    Nisreen Alami
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  3. Country Experiences with GRB
    Lucia Perez Fragoso and Nisreen Alami
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: presentation audio, questions and discussion)
  4. Social Content of Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies
    Nilüfer Çağatay
    (Listen: audio)
  5. Discussion Session on Gender Responsive Budgets, Social Content of Macroeconomics, and Macroeconomic Policies
    Fellows and Instructors, moderated by Nilüfer Çağatay
    (View: presentation)
  6. Fellows Discussions on Thematic and Regional GEM Groups: First Meeting
Day 6: Monday, July 6
  1. International Trade: Mainstream and Heterodox Perspectives
    Anwar Shaikh
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  2. Feminist Approaches to International Trade, Gender Inequalities, and Trade Patterns
    Nilüfer Çağatay
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  3. Foreign Direct Investment, Gender, and International Trade Agreements
    Mariama Williams
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)

    Luncheon Speaker:
    Causes Behind the Current Crisis
    Anwar Shaikh
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  4. Trade Policies and International Agreements: Financing for Trade, Financing for Development
    Manuel Montes
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  5. International Trade Agreements (continued)
    Mariama Williams and Manuel Montes
    (View: presentation)
Day 7: Tuesday, July 7
  1. Framing the Issues on Livelihoods, Agriculture, and Food Security from a Gender Perspective: Global, Macro, and Micro Levels
    Yassine Fall
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  2. The Perennial Crisis: Agriculture and Food Insecurity In India
    Indira Hirway
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  3. Trade, Food Security, and Gender in Sub-Saharan Africa
    Bola Akanji
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  4. Land Rights, Land Tenure, Land Ownership, and Gender
    Gül Ünal
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  5. Second Meeting on GEM Thematic and Regional Groups
Day 8: Wednesday, July 8
  1. Work, Labor Markets, and Gender Inequalities: Theoretical Approaches
    Maria “Sergy” Floro
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  2. Gender Dimensions In the World of Work: Current Trends
    Naoko Otobe
    (View: presentation, paper)
    (Listen: audio)
  3. Vulnerability, Risk, and Asset Inequalities
    Maria “Sergy” Floro
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  4. The Right to Work, Employment Guarantee, and Employer of Last Resort Policies: Pro-poor Growth and Gender Equality? The Cases of South Africa and India
    Indira Hirway and Rania Antonopoulos
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: Indira Hirway audio, Rania Antonopoulos audio)
  5. Employment Guarantee and Employer of Last Resort Policies and Gender Equality: The Case of Argentina
    Pavlina Tcherneva and Randall Wray
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)

Listen: Sessions IV and V questions and discussion audio

Understanding Modern Money: How a Sovereign Currency Works

Randall Wray
(View: presentation)
(Listen: audio)

Day 9: Thursday, July 9
  1. Conceptual Shifts In the Analysis of Poverty
    Nilüfer Çağatay and Sanjay Reddy
    (Listen: audio)
  2. The Problem of Measurement and Indicators
    Sanjay Reddy
    (Listen: audio)
  3. Gender inequalities and Poverty
    Nilüfer Çağatay
    (Listen: audio)
  4. Achievements and Challenges of Policy Responses to Poverty and Gender Inequalities: ODA, HIPC Initiatives, PRSPs, MDGs
    Yassine Fall
    (Listen: audio)
  5. Economic Well-being (and Lack Thereof): A Gender-aware Approach
    Ajit Zacharias
    (View: paper)
    (Listen: audio)

A Roundtable on Gender Data and Empowerment Indicators

Nilüfer Çağatay, Yassine Fall, and Naoko Otobe
(Listen: audio)

Day 10: Friday, July 10
  1. Adjustments of the Economy During Crisis
    Fellows’ presentations
  2. The Current Financial Crisis: A Blessing in Disguise for Developing Countries?
    Jayati Ghosh
    (View: presentation)
    (Listen: audio)
  3. “Mobilizing” Resources, Integrating Responses In National Development Plans: The Role of the IFIs
    Manuel Montes and Jayati Ghosh
    (Listen: Manuel Montes audio, Jayati Ghosh audio)
  4. Third GEM Thematic and Regional Group Meeting
Day 11: Saturday, July 11      

Summing Up the Workshop
Nilüfer Çağatay
and Rania Antonopoulos)

Fellows’ Presentations of their Future Plans to Incorporate Workshop
Themes into their Work

Nouhoun Coulibaly and Yelda Yucel
Nouhoun Coulibaly's presentation)
(View Yelda Yucel's presentation)
(Listen: Fellows' presentations audio, Part I, Part II, Part III)

Where Do We Go from Here?
Regional and thematic group reports and closing remarks by all
(Listen: audio)